Taunton-County Street
Store Hours
Monday-Saturday: 7AM-8PM
Sunday: 7AM-7PM
(508) 824-8941
534 County Street Taunton, MA 02780
Jason Costa - County St, Taunton Store Manager
Also located along route 140...
The County Street store was opened in 1974 and expanded in 1988, growing from 9,000 to 43,000 square feet. County street received a major renovation in 2013 that includes murals of historic photos, provided by the the Old Colony History Museum, depicting downtown Taunton from the 1930s through the 1970s.
"I'm surprised with all these younger workers I have here," County Street store manager David Voss said. "They all smile and they come into work. I’m very proud of them. Most of my front end people are high school [kids]. They’re all seniors. If I did not have any of them, it would be harder for me to get people in and out of the store. We would not be able to survive without them and the people who work for us."
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